We Start November 1st

Do you want to stay on track and acheive all of the 2024 goals you set yourself! Do you know what your vision and goals are for 2025. In this wonderful gratitude journey you'll take the time to take stock, celebrate, release and renew for the rest of year and beyond!

The 30-day Gratitude and Vision Building Journey will give you the energy and resources to acknowledge everything you have to be grateful for and prepare you and your business for a brand new chapter with clarity, intention and confidence.

What is the Gratitude and Vision Building Journey?

Every day during November 2024, we'll come together and we'll celebrate everything we have to be grateful for before gaining clarity and creating a vision for the rest of the year and beyond! You'll also receive daily reflection and journaling prompts and get access to 8 days of training, live Q&As and a very special masterclass.

Here's everything you'll get!


Learn and be inspired in the Visualise You - Gratitude Community.


Each day you'll receive a new prompt that will build your gratitude & visualisation muscles.


You'll be guided by the hand to create a wonderful gratitude practice.


Get greater clarity on what you want to show up in your life right now and get ready for 2024 and beyond.


Access live and Interactive training throughout the challenge.

(replays available)


Start to develop a new and improved vision for your life.

Meet Beth

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Hey, I'm Beth Hewitt - I'm a Spiritual Performance Coach and founder of the Visualise and Thrive Business Club and Podcast Host of the Visualise You Show and Author of the Gratitude and Vision Building Journal.

I help entrepreneurs go from feeling unfulfilled to passionately living their life purpose, with deliberate intent and a clear vision for their future and in a way that is more aligned with their true soul's calling.

One of the most significant components of what I do stems from the art of gratitude and reaching for that better feeling thought that will help you to release resistance and manifest amazing things in your life.

I've been running gratitude and vision building events for 5 years now, and there is nothing more I like to do than to help spiritual entrepreneurs learn my five levels of gratitude in my 30-day gratitude journey to prepare them how to create a vision for their life they can be really excited to bring into reality.

No doubt you've been working really hard on your personal development, life and and building the life of your dreams, so let this event be the gift of loving gratitude you can give to yourself.

Get ready to find gratitude in places you never knew existed, and start to create a vision you can be excited to bring to life and experience in 2025!

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Each Week Has Different Themes and Journaling Prompts

From 4th November

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From 11th November

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From 18th November

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From 25th November

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What Others are Saying

Julie Brown
Author & Speaker, Podcast Host This Sh!t Works!

I found it to be enlightening and fun and when I made it a game, it became even more interesting. I find that I'm more in tune. I notice more positive things. When you actually are thinking of things to be grateful for you replay some of the good parts of your day, which I found was really, really refreshing.

30-Days of Gratitude & 8 Days of Live Training!!

Here's what to expect:

We start on 1st November

1st to 4th of November

Welcome, Welcome, Welcome

Before we even get going, we'll spend an evening together so you know more about me, and I can find out more about you. You'll learn more about the challenge, and my oracle cards might even make an appearance! Then we'll ease ourselves into the first week of building a habit of gratitude.

From the 4th of November

You'll have Acess to 8 Days of Live Training (replays available)

4th November

Exploring Everyday Gratitude

Learn about the emotional guidance scale and find gratitude in the simplest of places. Every day, wherever you are and whenever you need it the most!

5th November

People, Places and Experiences

As well as finding gratitude in everyday things, we can use our past experiences, our friendships & relationships and the adventures we've been on to raise our vibration. Even those not-so-good experiences, and I'll show you how!

6th November

You've got Superpowers!

Unlike your zone of genius, which is often learnt. Our superpowers are innate and make us awesome! You might think everyone can do what you can, but you're unique. It's time to recognise this and shout about it in a loving community!

7th November

Did Someone Say Zone of Genius?

Yes, we've all got one! But we don't always recognise it as such. Time to be reminded about how much genius you have to be grateful for.

11th November

Finding Your Focus

It's almost time to create your new vision, but first we need to identify a focus. Through the power of searching and Socratic questions, you'll start to get clear on your passions and purpose so you can create a vision that is both meaningful and transformational.

12th November

Creating a New Vision for Your Life!

Now you've unearthed all this gratitude and have learnt how to raise your vibration. You can cultivate this altered state of mind to co-create with the Universe. Things are about to get exciting.

13th November

Creating a Plan for your Life and Business.

Now you have your vision, it's time to create an action plan that you can stick to. Business owners often overcomplicate this step so instead, I'll help you create an action plan that is in total alignment with your soul's calling!

20th November

The Power of Scripting and Journaling Masterclass.

Let's create a vision that is in complete alignment with your vision. I'll show you how to create longer form scripts, via the form of written visualisations and the power of journaling.

From the 1st to the 30th of November

we'll focus on making gratitude a habit.

Days 1 to 30

Make Gratitude a Habit

Stick around for the full 30 days by giving gratitude daily and using the journaling prompts and you'll be in with the chance to win some amazing prizes! 5 mins a day is all you'll need!

What Past Gratitude Journey & Vision Building Participants are Saying:

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There is no better time to take stock, celebrate, release and renew and get ready to create a vision for the rest of 2024 and beyond.

The 30-day Gratitude & Vision Building Journey will give you the energy and resources to acknowledge everything you have to be grateful for and prepare you for a brand new chapter in your business with clarity, intention and confidence.

Choose one of the recommended amounts below or enter any amount that feels right for you.

I don't want anyone to feel that they can't take part; so my gift to you is to choose an amount that works for you, or enter a value that feels right for you in the pay what you want field below.

You can also give the gift of gratitude to someone you love and do the Gratitude & Vision Building Journey together this November?

Want to be a VIP - When you choose the £39 option you'll unlock 30 Days Access to the Visualise and Thrive Business Club & Lounge.

£39 gives you access to an additional 2 x Group Coaching Sessions, 1 x Business/Life Mastermind, Guest Expert Sessions, Accountability, Goal Setting and Weekly Oracle Card Guidance on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays for the whole of November - plus exclusive access to Beth in the Business Club Chat.)


How much time and commitment is required to take part?

I fully understand, and because of this, I have built this event to take all of this into account. Whilst it is 30 days (29 in Feb), you only need 5 minutes a day to take part, but most people have so much fun that they enjoy networking and making new friends and business connections. All of the live training that start on Monday 5th of August will be recorded and available for catch-up whenever you need them throughout the month as well. So no sweat if you can't make any of the live content

Why should I do this?

Gratitude is the most important aspect of manifesting what you want in your life and business. It is the bedrock and the foundation of everything. The practice you develop will not only allow you to get clarity in your business and have you creating a vision for your future, but it will give you the tools to tackle life when it gets hard! Want to surround yourself with positive, compassionate and spiritual entrepreneurs - this is for you!

What exactly can I expect from this Gratitude and Vision Building Journey?

The event will take place inside a private facebook community. Each day you will be given a gratitude prompt to share what you are grateful for and a journalling prompt to help you reflect on many different areas of your life. This will take you no more than 5 minutes each day. From the 5th of August, you will get daily live training, oracle card readings, workbooks and lives where you can ask me anything about life, business and creating a vision for your future. It's fun; we bond, we laugh, and sometimes we cry, but most of all, we celebrate one another, raise our vibration and get ready for the rest of 2024 and beyond with a clear vision for the future and ready to take action.

How will this develop my vision for 2024 and beyond.

Clarity and vision and getting entrepreneurs to take action is my thing! It's what I do the majority of my time. Gratitude is the bedrock of visualisation and vision building. You'll remember what is important to you and we'll work on developing your vision together.

Why is there a small entry fee for this event?

This is a 30-day event that takes a lot of my time. I've tried to make this as affordable as possible because I don't want anyone to be excluded. Plus, working the whole of the month free wouldn't be a very good business practice for a business coach to advocate!

Can I really pay what I want for this event?

Yes - for a limited time only you can pay what you like :) No catch. Please take in to consideration the amount on offer here when naming your price. But if you want to get VIP access to Beth throughout the event and access to additional training and support its just £39! - What a bargain!

What if this event does nothing for me?

I would be massively surprised if that was to happen, but if after 14 days of you taking part you don't feel more joy in your life, I'll give you a full refund.

Where do I access my bonuses?

You'll be sent log in details to access your meditations, visualisation, book and masterclass. If you don't see this, email support@visualiseyou.com and I'll sort this for you. If you sign up for the VIP access, you'll receive an invite to the Business Lounge on the 1st of August 2024.

How does the Gifting Option Work

If you want to gift the Gratitude Journey to a friend or family, simply tick the gift option and enter your recipients details, they will be sent an email with the title 'You've Received a Gift" with a link to access the event. Please take care when entering your friends email address to ensure they receive the email. If you also wish to also take part you must complete an additional transaction at the amount you would like to choose.

I've still got questions.

No problem, email me at support@visualiseyou.com, and I'll get back to you.

Get These Extra Bonuses

When You Join for £25 or more:)

Daily Meditations and Visualisations.

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During Live Training Week, You'll be sent a brand new meditation or visualisation. And that you'll be able to use it again and again long after the journey has ended, so you can always stay on top of the vision you create for yourself.

The Power of Scripting Book and Masterclass

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Learn the power of the written form of visualisation in my book The Power of Scripting, and get a 75-minute masterclass, previously only available to Visualise and Thrive Business Club Members. These resources will give you the exact process, templates, instructions and guidance needed to stay on top of your visions.

OR Get Lifetime Access for Just £149

Many of the Gratitude and Vision Building Journey participants return again an again, due to the undeniable and powerful benefits that come from the Power of Gratitude and Vision Building. If you are an exisiting boomarang or think you might get the bug, why not pay for lifetime access now, - you'll pay once and never have to pay again. There are four events per year so this is amazing value.

The Gratitude and Vision Building Journey Money Back Guarantee

To take part and access the Gratitude & Vision Building Journey, there is a small entry fee of your choosing. In return, you're getting access to me for the whole month. But if after you have paid and if within 14 days of taking part, you don't feel more joy, happiness and appreciation for your life, I'll give you 100% of your money back with absolutely no quibble because my soul just wants your soul to be happy!



Gifting Options

Payment Options


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